The Beginning
Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.
Apparently this is the point in time where I am supposed to come up with something interesting about myself to say. Along with other mundane generic information that you probably do not care to read, so instead it will be a nonsensical pieced together informative paragraph full on nothingness.
I guess I will start with the first uninteresting fact of the matter of me being a college student. That fact should be well known since I am not even positive this paragraph makes sense as it is currently four in the morning, and I have officially become lazy enough to not want to brew another cup of coffee. I figure though I might as well since I will be up in a few hours anyway, so sleeping has seem to become a useless pastime that now results in taking up too much of my time. Which remains inconvenient when I eventually need to sleep, because somehow it seems to always my internal clock. In which I doubt the 'boss' will see as a valid excuse for walking in late to work, and yet they will continuously asks once you arrived why you look tired. Once at that point you think of several reasons of why from the project that is not done yet, to the spreadsheet that needs to be organized all the way to that test in which the date is unknown needs to be studied for. At which at some point it all results in one long paragraph, such as this, that makes zero sense, but is a sad attempt to feel productive in the passing the time - which at this point not really sure what it is.